Luxury FELDO Timepieces
Luxury timepieces for the new luxury brand Feldo
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- Summary
Feldo Luxury S. L. is specialized on the European market of luxurious real estate and exclusive accessories. They had the brilliant idea to organize a contest in order to find the best web agency to develop the "luxury" project.
The winner is an Ukrainian design studio AWWSoft, which managed to offer an original concept as well as an extended brand visualization.
In four month time the studio has created a logo, packaged system of visual identification, corporate website combining utilitarian properties with emotional expression of brand perception.
Implementation of this ideas impelled German-Spanish company, claiming to become one of the most famous companies in the field of elegant and prestigious accessories to prolong our cooperation for 2009 and 2010.
In the opinion of Mr. Hilmar Vielhaber, Feldo Luxury marketing director, Ukrainian designers have wide scope of competitive advantages in comparison with their eastern and western colleagues.
Firstly they have similar to European mentality, secondly high general education level and thirdly their endeavor to succeed on the market.