Selecting the Right Military-Style Watch
Let us help you choose a watch that just might save your life one day.
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- Summary
For the longest time the debate over the true usefulness, the necessity of a military style, multifunctional watch has been a hot one. Their unreliability, prohibitive cost and accuracy, however, have improved drastically over recent years.
And although they are certainly no substitute for a proper foundation of land navigation and other soldiering skills, they have become for many a necessary accompaniment to many an adventure.
Most military timepieces fall into one of the following three categories: the simple, durable 3-hand watch, the GPS-enabled watch, and what is commonly referred to as the ABC (Altimeter, Barometer, Compass) watch.
Only you can decide which one is right for you and your mission. We can, however, tell you what to look for when choosing a watch that just might save your life one day.